The American Legion Post 8 Maui Supports Operation Paperback!
Operation Paperback began in 1999, sending its first shipments to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. They have since shipped 2.2 million books to over 30 locations overseas.
In addition to overseas locations, Operation Paperback provides books to wounded warrior programs and veterans hospitals located within the United States, as well as USO centers at US Airport transit points. In 2012, they also added a program that offers a free shipment of books to any military family.
The organization has several ongoing special projects, including:
Providing books from military Professional Reading Lists to support service member professional development goals;
Supporting Chaplains as they counsel troops, both before redeployment and after reunification, with a variety of specifically-requested titles;
Supplying children's books to deployed soldiers who read to their children via webcam or on DVDs.
We have 19,000+ volunteers from all 50 states. These individual citizens, American families and community groups form a network of shippers that send around 15,000 books per month. The American Legion Post 8 Maui is now proudly a member of this network. Please bring used paperbacks to our post during regular events for further distribution or contact eddille@fogstudios.com to coordinate dropping off your donations.